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When we hear the words "sex trafficking," as Americans we immediately think of women and children overseas who are being forced into the sex trade or who are brought into the United States for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Which is still happening nearly everyday, but Americans also traffick other americans. 


The average age of entry into human trafficking is between 12 and 14 years old, though there have been cases of girls as young as 9 years old. 


80%  of humans are used for sex

19% of humans are used for labor

1% of humans are used for their inner            organs

When does it become trafficking?

Trafficking occurs when the agency or pimp uses force, fraud, and/or coercion to maintain control over the escort and to cause the person to engage in commercial sex acts.  A victim under the age of 18 is considered a victim of sex trafficking regardless of the presence of force, fraud or coercion.  Common means of each of these are as list;

Force â€“ Physical or sexual abuse, often in the form of repeated rapes by one or more people to create submission; confinement to the residence; restrictions on movement and communication to family and friends; frequent forced movement between cities.

Fraud â€“ False promises of a better life through the trafficker presenting as a boyfriend or caretaker figure; false information about working conditions, payment, and whether commercial sex will be required; telling the victim that if he or she initially consented to be part of the escort service that he or she must continue to consent and is not a victim.

Coercion â€“ Threats of harm to the victim or victim’s family; threats to shame the victim by revealing the commercial sex to his or her family and others in the community; verbal, psychological and emotional abuse; nightly quotas; confiscation of birth certificates and other identification documents; forced dependency on the pimp, agency or controller; exploitation of victims’ shame; rumors of or witnessed violence at hands of traffickers; cycle of rewards and punishments; convincing the victim that police/service providers will only see the victim as a prostitute and will arrest and not assist the victim; threats of deportation if victim is a foreign national.

Human Trafficking can be very well disguised. Normal massage parlors are hideen brothels, Truck stops are gate ways for the trade of humans, strip clubs, hostess clubs, and street prostitution. 


on average a human who is being trafficked for sex is having sex with 6-10 patrons a day.

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